Hardware pinouts information and cables schemes

OBD-2 PWM, VPW, ISO 9141-2, CAN ELM327 diagnostic universal cable scheme specification users reports and reviews

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There are 1 approved reports in our database

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User opinion Comment Approved by moderator?
2010-03-31 16:47:51rev. 6CORRECTNo errors known to me.APPROVED

History of users contributions

Date Content
Author Comment
2008-07-27 19:34:20rev. 2Miladin
2008-09-22 11:56:32rev. 3vokurekSchematic with that BR16F84 can!t be used, because noboda has that right firmware for it. I found that ELM is producing 327 chip, which can replace this one much better. Look at it and you'll see. Pinouts.ru is great page by the way, keep it working ;)

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Pinouts.ru > Pinout of OBD-2 universal cable scheme for PWM, VPW, and ISO 9141-2 vehicles and layout of 16 pin car OBD2 special connector
should be correct