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Sony Playstation (PSX) joystick controller port specification users reports and reviews

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There are 15 approved reports in our database

Date Content
User opinion Comment Approved by moderator?
INCORRECTthis doesnt work......APPROVED
2009-07-07 05:05:42rev. 2CORRECTIt is correct. The same information can be found here: http://www.raphnet.net/electronique/psx_adaptor/psx_adaptor_en.phpAPPROVED
2010-11-18 00:05:28rev. 5CORRECTNo errors, but what commands are needed to send vibrations? Or should I just power pin 3? Could you include a picture of the controller interface, or the pin layout? I can help with image editing.APPROVED
2011-12-04 12:19:05rev. 6CORRECTnope, all seems good to meAPPROVED
2013-03-12 19:59:57rev. 6CORRECTIt is an acurate documentAPPROVED
2015-01-02 17:35:28rev. 6CORRECTeverything works great for me.. can you please add windows 7 driver .. because support for XP is already expired and i cant move on wind7 because i really like playing PC games with my psx joysticks APPROVED
2016-03-11 09:18:37rev. 6CORRECTThis data is all accurate. I debugged an Arduino library using this information: ( https://github.com/wootfish/Psx ) and there were no problems at all. Very good and detailed.APPROVED
2016-06-14 16:52:36rev. 6CORRECTAPPROVED
2016-09-07 16:03:25rev. 6CORRECTAPPROVED
2017-03-17 19:47:01rev. 6CORRECTAPPROVED
2017-12-17 13:45:26rev. 7CORRECTNo errors that I noticed. I wrote a python class to control a psx controller by jumping the pins to a raspberry pi. The information on this page is correct I can successfully read information from the controller. I needed to add a pullup resistor to the data line. I haven't tested pin 3 though, or NegCon, or analogue mode green LED. Also, this document doesn't say anything about clock speed for communications - it worked at about 7kHz. (This is as fast as I could run it using a python script).APPROVED
2018-05-24 17:05:33rev. 7INCORRECTin the screen that shows images of the male and female connector: one or the other of male or female is backwards left to right with respect to pin numbering. can be fixed by flipping about horizontal axis the one that is wrong.APPROVED
2020-11-03 20:05:17rev. 7CORRECTAPPROVED
2021-01-18 23:30:56rev. 7CORRECTAPPROVED
2025-01-06 23:30:52rev. 8ERROR FIXEDThe ps1 digital joystick is Rising edge triggering ,not falling edge !!! I have tested!!!APPROVED

History of users contributions

Date Content
Author Comment
2010-02-27 22:21:43rev. 5blagusI edited connector's pin 3 and added info on connecting to PC (vibration part).
2011-01-07 23:40:39rev. 6TrevCleaned up formatting

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Pinouts.ru > Pinout of Sony Playstation (PSX) joystick controller port and layout of 9 pin Sony Playstation special connector
should be correct