Pinouts >  Разъемы автомагнитол Nissan  >  Nissan Rogue pinouts
20 pin Nissan Head Unit Audio main connector layout
Разъем 20 pin Nissan Head Unit Audio main
p/n 25915-6FL1A

20 pin Nissan Head Unit Audio main

W/C Signal
1 BR BOSE amp. ON signal
2 R
Pre-amp sound signal front LH (+)
3 G
Pre-amp sound signal front LH (-)
4 V
Pre-amp sound signal rear LH (+)
5 LG
Pre-amp sound signal rear LH (-)
7 W
ACC power supply
8 L
CAN high
9 V
Illumination control signal
10 B
Pre-amp sound signal shield
11 R
Pre-amp sound signal front RH (+)
12 W
Pre-amp sound signal front RH (-)
13 L
Pre-amp sound signal rear RH (+)
14 Y
Pre-amp sound signal rear RH (-)
17 R
CAN low
18 G
Vehicle speed signal
19 L
Battery power supply
20 B

W/C stands for Wire Color. It is for Rogue 2017 and is very dependent on model and model year.

W/C Signal
21 G
AUX jack audio signal RH
22 Y
AUX ground
23 L
AUX jack audio signal LH
24 R
HE/VR mode change
25 BR
Reverse signal
30 BG
MR output
31 SB
AV communication high
32 LG
AV communication low
34 W
Microphone signal
35 B
MIC VCC (without telematics system)
36   mic shield
AUX signal shield
38 SB
AV communication high
39 LG
AV communication low
40 LG
Ignition power supply
41 G
Camera image signal
Camera image signal shield

W/C stands for Wire Color. It is for Rogue 2017 and is very dependent on model and model year.

5 pin Mini-USB type B receptacle

W/C Signal
45 R
V BUS signal
46 W
USB D− signal
47 G
USB D+ signal
48 B
USB ground
USB shield
68 B
V BUS signal
70 G
USB D− signal
71 W
USB D+ signal
72 R
USB ground
USB shield

W/C stands for Wire Color. It is for Rogue 2017 and is very dependent on model and model year.

W/C Signal
60 R
Microphone signal (+)
Microphone shield
64 L
Microphone signal (-)


24 pin HeadUnit additional connector layout
Разъем 24 pin HeadUnit additional
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Эта распиновка

Additional connector №3

5 pin Head Unit mini-USB  connector layout
Разъем 5 pin Head Unit mini-USB
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