Pinouts >  RS-232 and other serial ports and interfaces
20 pin Apple Thunderbolt connector layout
20 pin Apple Thunderbolt connector
The Thunderbolt is the propriteary interface allows the connection of external peripherals to a computer. It combines PCI Express and DisplayPort into one serial signal alongside a DC connection for electric power, transmitted over one cable.

Thunderbolt controllers multiplex one or more individual data lanes from connected PCIe and DisplayPort devices for transmission via one duplex Thunderbolt lane, then de-multiplex them for consumption by PCIe and DisplayPort devices on the other end.

1 GND Ground
2 HPD  Hot plug detect
3 HS0TX+  HighSpeed transmit 0 (positive)
4 HS0RX+  HighSpeed receive 0 (positive)
5 HS0TX-  HighSpeed transmit 0 (negative)
6 HS0RX-  HighSpeed receive 0 (negative)
7,8 GND Ground
9  LSR2P TX LowSpeed transmit
10 GND  Ground (reserved)
11  LSP2R RX LowSpeed receive
12,13,14 GND Ground
15  HS1TX+ HighSpeed transmit 1 (positive)
16  HS1RX+ HighSpeed receive 1 (positive)
17  HS1TX- HighSpeed transmit 1 (negative)
18  HS1RX- HighSpeed receive 1 (negative)
19 GND Ground
20  DPPWR 

 The Thunderbolt cable has five wires: one for management and two uni-directional pairs, one for incoming and second for outgoing traffic.  The cable is a crossover cable, it swaps all receive and transmit lanes; e.g., HS1TX(P) of the source is connected to HS1RX(P) of the sink. As an active cable, it includes circuitry inside the connectors.

According to 4 reports in our database (2 positive and 1 negative) the Apple Thunderbolt pinout should be correct.

Is this pinout
Apple Thunderbolt visual pinout:click to enlarge
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