Pinouts >  Genuine Mitsubishi Car audio Head Units
20 pin Mitsubishi Head Unit connector layout
20 pin Mitsubishi Head Unit connector
p/n 8701A405, also DY-1MU3R45-T-2, 8701A406 (DY-1ME3R45-T), 8701A495 (DY-1ME3R45-T-2), 8701A495 (DY-1ME3R45-T-3), 8701A562 (DY-1ME3R45-T-4), 8701A562 (DY-1ME3R45-T-6), 8701A626 (DY-1ME3R45-T-J2)




18 pin Mitsubishi Head Unit connector layout
18 pin Mitsubishi Head Unit connector
According to 1 reports in our database (1 positive and 0 negative) the Mitsubishi (2012-2018) Outlander, Lancer, Pajero Sport and others Base Head Unit pinout should be correct.

Is this pinout

Additional connector №3

4 pin Mitsubishi Head Unit USB connector layout
4 pin Mitsubishi Head Unit USB connector
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