Pinouts >  Различные устройства  >  Cisco pinouts
8 pin RJ45 (8P8C) male connector layout
Разъем 8 pin RJ45 (8P8C) male
Custom cable to directly connect Cisco switch/fw to HP Serial Console Server
Cisco rtr/fw/switch (DCE) Pin
Cisco rtr/fw/switch (DCE) Pin
Direction HP SCS (DTE) Pin
RTS 1 -?- 8 CTS 1 and 8 swapped to force high or you can jmp 1-8
DTR 2 -?- 7 DTR DTR/DSR appear to be ignored
Txd 3 -?- 5 Txd  
gnd 4 -?- 3 DCD DCD tied to gnd
gnd 5 -?- 6 gnd  
RxD 6 -?- 4 RxD  
DSR 7 -?- 2 DSR DTR/DSR appear to be ignored
CTS 8 -?- 1 RTS 1 and 8 swapped to force high

This is basically a DCE (Cisco) to DTE (HP SCS) so it's straight through. It appears that modem control signals are ignored, but Cisco suggests tying 1 to 8. HP makes a dongle to do this, but if you can't source one, you can use this cable

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