Pinouts >  GPS receivers connectors  >  Garmin pinouts
4 pin Garmin round proprietary connector layout
4 pin Garmin round proprietary connector
Pin Name
1 DATA RX into the unit (RS232 Rx)
2 DATA TX from the unit (RS232 Tx)
4 Vcc (8 to 40 V) read manual before for the maximum allowed. Most of GPS units may be charged with +12V power supply (for example from car cigarette lighter connector)

For GPS45, GND is pin 2, power is pin 4? 

According to 16 reports in our database (13 positive and 2 negative) the Garmin GPS 45, 12 XL, GPS II, III, V, 72, 76, 92, 176, 176c, 196, 295, StreetPilot III (round connector) pinout should be correct.

Is this pinout
Garmin GPS 45, 12 XL, GPS II, III, V, 72, 76, 92, 176, 176c, 196, 295, StreetPilot III (round connector) visual pinout:click to enlarge
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