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152 pin Apple Powerbook PDS connector layout
152 pin Apple Powerbook PDS connector
Available on Apple Duo Dock & Duo Dock II dockingstations. For use with Apple PowerBook Duo computers.
Pin Name Description
1PR +24V EXTRaw +24 V from AC adapter
2PR +24V EXTRaw +24 V from AC adapter
3/PLUG INPower surge control (grounded in the expansion device)
4GNDLogic ground
7/ON/OFF OUTOn/off button
9/STERMSynchronous termination
10/DSData strobe
11/ASAddress strobe
12+5V MAIN OUT+5 V regulated power
14/BERRBus error
15/BGACKBus grant acknowledge
19GNDLogic ground
20GNDLogic ground
21ADDR[0]Address bit 0
22ADDR[2]Address bit 2
23ADDR[4]Address bit 4
24ADDR[6]Address bit 6
25ADDR[8]Address bit 8
26ADDR[10]Address bit 10
27ADDR[12]Address bit 12
28ADDR[14]Address bit 14
29+5V MAIN OUT+5 V regulated power
30GNDLogic ground
31ADDR[18]Address bit 18
32ADDR[20]Address bit 20
33ADDR[22]Address bit 22
34ADDR[24]Address bit 24
35ADDR[26]Address bit 26
36ADDR[28]Address bit 28
37ADDR[30]Address bit 30
38GNDLogic ground
39GNDLogic ground
40IOCLK15.6672 MHz I/O clock
41SIZ[1]Transfer size bit 1
42+5V MAIN OUT+5 V regulated power
43DATA[0]Data bit 0
44DATA[1]Data bit 1
45DATA[2]Data bit 2
46DATA[3]Data bit 3
47DATA[4]Data bit 4
48DATA[5]Data bit 5
49DATA[6]Data bit 6
50DATA[7]Data bit 7
51GNDLogic ground
52DATA[17]Data bit 17
53DATA[18]Data bit 18
54DATA[19]Data bit 19
56DATA[20]Data bit 20
57DATA[21]Data bit 21
58DATA[22]Data bit 22
59DATA[23]Data bit 23
61GNDLogic ground
62/SCC IRQSCC interrupt request
63SERVEE-5 V for SCC transceivers
65GNDLogic ground
66GNDLogic ground
67+8V SOUNDSpecial "clean" +8 V power for sound output
68+5V MODEM+5 V power for modem
69LINET/RModem DAA line talk/receive
70+5V SOUND+5 V power for sound output
72SND OUT LSound output left channel
73EXT MIC FILT RRight input signal from external microphone
74EXT MIC FILT LLeft input signal from external microphone
75DAA GNDModem ground
76DAA GNDModem ground
77PR +24V EXTRaw +24 V from AC adapter
78PR +24V EXTRaw +24 V from AC adapter
79PR +24V EXTRaw +24 V from AC adapter
80GNDLogic ground
81GNDLogic ground
83ADB DATAApple Desktop Bus data
84/ADBPWRONADB power-on key
86/CBREQCache burst request
87/DSACK1Data size acknowledge bit 1
88/DSACK0Data size acknowledge bit 0
89/BRBus request
90/BGBus grant
91/SLEEPSleep-state signal
92FC[1]Function code bit 1
93FC[0]Function code bit 0
94/RMCRead-modify-write cycle
95CPUCLKCPU bus clock
96/CPURESETCPU reset (bus invalid)
97ADDR[1]Address bit 1
98ADDR[3]Address bit 3
99ADDR[5]Address bit 5
100ADDR[7]Address bit 7
101ADDR[9]Address bit 9
102ADDR[11]Address bit 11
103ADDR[13]Address bit 13
104ADDR[15]Address bit 15
105ADDR[16]Address bit 16
106ADDR[17]Address bit 17
107ADDR[19]Address bit 19
108ADDR[21]Address bit 21
109ADDR[23]Address bit 23
110ADDR[25]Address bit 25
111ADDR[27]Address bit 27
112ADDR[29]Address bit 29
113ADDR[31]Address bit 31
114/SLOT INExpansion device plugged in grounds pin
115GNDLogic ground
117SIZ[0]Transfer size bit 0
118DATA[8]Data bit 8
119DATA[9]Data bit 9
120DATA[10]Data bit 10
121DATA[11]Data bit 11
122+5VEXTSENSE+5 V external sense
123DATA[12]Data bit 12
124DATA[13]Data bit 13
125DATA[14]Data bit 14
126DATA[15]Data bit 15
127DATA[16]Data bit 16
128DATA[24]Data bit 24
129DATA[25]Data bit 25
130DATA[26]Data bit 26
131DATA[27]Data bit 27
132DATA[28]Data bit 28
133DATA[29]Data bit 29
134DATA[30]Data bit 30
135DATA[31]Data bit 31
137/SWIM CSSWIM chip select
138/SLOT E IRQPseudo-NuBus expansion slot E interrupt
139/PFWPower fail warning (shutdown bit)
140/IO RESETReset output to I/O systems
141GNDLogic ground
142GNDLogic ground
143DAA CNTLFModem DAA control
144DAA ID INID input from 152-pin connector to modem card
145/RING DETRing detect signal from the modem DAA
146/RB DVRModem relay B driver
147/RA DVRModem relay A driver
148EXT MIC SELExternal microphone plugged in
151DAA GNDModem ground
152DAA GNDModem ground

Note: / = Active low

Connector: JAE part number JX20-152BA-D1LTH

Provides the interface between the PowerBook Duo computer, and the Duo Dock. It mounts directly to the Duo Dock"s main logic board, and plugs into the matching connector on the PowerBook Duo rear panel, giving the Duo Dock direct access to the microprocessor"s 32-bit address bus, 32-bit data bus, and control signals. It also provides access to power, control, and status signals in other parts of the computer, and allows the Duo Dock to provide power to the PowerBook Duo.

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Apple Duo Dock visual pinout:click to enlarge
Source(s) of this and additional information: Apple Tech Info Library 12929: Duo Dock/Duo Dock II, External Pinouts at Apple TIL homepage, from Hardware Book
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