Pinouts >  VGA, DVI, S-Video and other video connectors  >  Apple pinouts

The Audio/Video Input/Output Card has a separate connector called the DAV (digital audio video) connector. The DAV connector provides access to the Audio/Video cards 4:2:2 unscaled YUV video input data bus and associated control signals. By means of a 60-pin cable to the DAV connector, a PCI expansion card can gain access to the digital video bus on the Audio/Video Input/Output Card and use it to transfer real-time video data to the computer. Such a PCI expansion card can contain a hardware video compressor or other video processor.

The DAV connector accepts YUV video and analog sound from the PCI expansion card.

The 60-pin DAV connector is located at the top edge of the Audio/Video Input/Output Card. A PCI expansion card that uses the DAV interface can be connected to the Audio/Video Input/Output Card with a 7-inch 60-conductor flat-ribbon cable.

Pin Description
1 Ground
2 Reserved (or GeoPort Clock)
3 Ground
4 Reserved (or LLC_OUT)
5 Ground
6 Reserved (or PXQ_OUT)
7 Ground
8 Reserved (or VS_OUT)
9 Ground
10 Reserved (or HS_OUT)
11 UV bit 7
12 UV bit 6
13 UV bit 5
14 UV bit 4
15 UV bit 3
16 UV bit 2
17 UV bit 1
18 UV bit 0
19 Y bit 7
20 Y bit 6
21 Y bit 5
22 Y bit 4
23 Y bit 3
24 Y bit 2
25 Y bit 1
26 Y bit 0
27 Ground
28 Line-locked clock (LLC) in
29 Ground
30 Clock reference qualifier (PXQ) In
31 Ground
32 Vertical sync (VS) In
33 Ground
34 Reserved (or Horizontal Sync (HS) In)
35 Ground
36 HRef In
37 Ground
38 DIR * (or FLD)
39 IIC Data *
40 IIC Clock
41 Ground
42 Analog audio input left
43 Analog audio input common
44 Analog audio input right
45 Ground
46 Digital audio input
47 Ground
48 Digital audio output
49 Ground
50 Digital audio clock
51 Ground
52 Digital audio sync
53 Ground
54 S video input C component
55 Video input ground
56 S video input Y component
57 Video input ground
58 Reserved
59 Reserved
60 Reserved
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Apple Digital Audio/Video (DAV) visual pinout:click to enlarge
Source(s) of this and additional information: Apple Tech Info Library 18547: Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, 9500 Pinouts at Apple TIL homepage
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