Pinouts >  Mercedes-Benz, Smart OEM Car audio harness  >  Mercedes-Benz pinouts
40 (16+12+12) pin QuadLock Fakra Head Unit / Car Stereo connector layout
40 (16+12+12) pin QuadLock Fakra Head Unit / Car Stereo connector

AM/FM connector is white (double)

RFK (rear camera) connector is green

GPS connector is blue

BTE (bluetooth) connecot is curry

16 pin Block A connector pinout

Pin Function
1 RR+
2 FR+
3 FL+
4 RL+
5 RR-
6 FR-
7 FL-
8 RL-
9 CAN B Low
10 Telephone Mute
11 CAN-B High
12 U-Bat- (KL 31)
13 reserved
14 CAN-B shield
15 U-Bat+ (KL 30)
16 Electrical MOST Wake-Up

12 pin Block B connector

1 Microphone 1 In +
2 Microphone 2 In +
3 Microphone Shield
4 Microphone Out+
5 HU CAN low
6 HU Can High
7 Cradke compensator On
8 reserved
9 Microphone Ground
10 Microphone out -
11 reserved
12 reserved

12 pin Block C connector pinout

1 reserved
2 Ext FAN power supply -
3 Aux1 shield
4 Aux1 left
5 reserved
6 reserved
7 Ext FAN diagnosis line
8 Ext FAN power supply +
9 Aux1 ground
10 Aux1 right
11 reserved
12 reserved

Block D (upper right conner)

1 Rx-LWL
2 Tx-LWL

12 pin MQS (Japan Only) blue and white Connectors

group 3 Code B
white connector
group 4 Code C
blue connector
1 ETC Rx Serial Tx+
2 ETC Tx Seial Tx-
3 ETC shield Serial Rx-
4 VICS Rx Serial Rx+
5 VICS Tx Voice to Tel (DTR)
6 VICS shield Voice from Tel (DCD)
8 ETC ON (12V) RTS
9 reserved GND
10 VICS GND Power (12V)
11 VICS power (+5V) Remote
12 reserved Shield Voice Tel

18 pin MQS Group 2 Code A connector pinout

1 Video in CVBS (ECE, USA) or Video in Y (Japan)
2 Video in Ground (ECE, USA) or Video in Y ground (Japan)
3 Audio out Ground
4 Audio out right
5 Video out CVBS
6 Video out CVBS shield
7 reserved
8 Aux2 ground
9 Aux2 in left
10 reserved (ECE, USA) or Video in C (Japan)
11 reserved (ECE, USA) or Video in C ground (Japan)
12 Audio out shield
13 Audio out left
14 reserved
15 reserved
16 reserved
17 Aux2 shield
18 Aux2 in right

Head unit pinout abbreviations

Pin function

Power pins

BAT Battery+  (12V direct from Battery). 
GND, GROUND Chassis Ground
KL.15 Ignition powered. +12 V with the ignition key is in the ACC or ON position.
iLLUM Light-on signal or backlight adjustment. +12V supplied to light-on pin of head unit when tail lights ar turned on.
ANT OUT Power for Electric Antenna. Output +12 V (maximum 150 - 300mA) 

Audio pins

FR+ or RF+ Front right speaker out
FL+ or LF+ Front left speaker out
RR+ Rear right speaker out
LR+ or  RL+ Rear left speaker out
FR- or RF-, FL- or LF-, RR-, LR- or RL-, SGND The corresponding speaker ground

Misc. pins

MUTE This pin is used to silence the audio, earthed by some other external components that is connected to the radio.
GAL This pin is used in some radio equipment to automatically boost up the volume. It needs the output from the speed sensor.
CAN-L, CAN-H CAN on board diagnostic bus
K-Line K-line on board diagnostic bus

According to 4 reports in our database (2 positive and 0 negative) the Mercedes-Benz COMAND 2.5 (code 512,527,528) pinout should be correct.

Is this pinout
Mercedes-Benz COMAND 2.5 (code 512,527,528) visual pinout:click to enlarge
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