Pinouts >  Audio / Video hardware connectors  >  Fujitsu pinouts
3 pin stereo plug connector layout
3 pin stereo plug connector
fujitsu-lifebook 7020s s-video minijack to RCA compsite out

fujitsu lifebook7020s s-video minijack

                +---> RCA Composite Signal
3-GND---------------->RCA gnd


-||- is a  470pF Ceramic capacitor

i read on this site about convert s-video to composite , I try this connection on my lifebook 7020s and work well, for my hp dv6575 i use  adaptor from my old nvidia fx... video card to conect on tv .




On my FS Lifebook S7110 this schema did not work for me first, but then I figured out that the Y and C signals in the S7110 notebook are actually swapped! Y signal is on pin 2 (R of the stereo jack) and C signal on pin 1. So I swapped the lines in the connector and it started working!
Note: I was actually making a jack -> S-video cable (I did not join signals into composite using the capacitor), so I have a working confirmed S-Video output. I am going to make also the composite cable, as on the scheme above, so I will confirm composite output later, but this should work since I have S-Video out working (and conversion to composite it standard like here: .

Additional comment:

Some TVs have a high impedance input for that would define the device is connected to video input or not, and so the video chipset in the laptop can not enable video output. In order to be all earned enough in the channel Y to solder a resistor of 75 ohms between the signal and earth.

2 pin RCA plug connector layout
2 pin RCA plug connector
According to 2 reports in our database (2 positive and 0 negative) the Fujitsu lifebook s-video minijack to RCA composite out pinout should be correct.

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