Computer memory usually refers to a form of semiconductor storage known as random-access memory, typically DRAM (Dynamic-RAM) but many times other forms of fast but temporary storage. Without a significant amount of memory, a computer would merely be able to perform fixed operations and immediately output the result. In practice, almost all computers use a variety of memory types, organized in a storage hierarchy around the CPU, as a trade-off between performance and cost.

Another significant type of computer memory module is a flash memory which is a non-volatile computer storage chip that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. It is primarily used in memory cards, USB flash drives, MP3 players and solid-state drives for general storage and transfer of data between computers and other digital products. Flash memory costs far less than byte-programmable EEPROM and therefore has become the dominant technology wherever a significant amount of non-volatile, solid state storage is needed.

Show device-specific * pinouts only (please note that filtering may not be accurate) or follow to 6 OLD hardware pinouts.
  • 172-Pin MicroDIMM DDR RAM 
  • 17 pin CFAST connector drawing
    CFAST card 
  • 50 pin CompactFlash female connector drawing
    CompactFlash (CF) bus connector CF cards are used in handheld and laptop computers, digital cameras, and a wide variety of other devices, including desktop computers.
  • DDR SDRAM DIMM (184 pin, Unbuffered)  
  • 240 pin DIMM DDR2 connector drawing
    DDR2 DIMM Unbuffered Module (240 pin) 
  • 168 pin DIMM connector drawing
    DRAM DIMM (168 pin, Unbuffered) DIMM=Dual Inline Memory Module
  • 10 pin Memory stick proprietary connector drawing
    Memory stick (MS) card Memory Stick is a removable flash memory card format, used mostly in Sony portable hardware.
  • 10 pin Memory stick proprietary connector drawing
    Memory Stick M2 
  • Miniature Card Developed by Intel. Miniature Card is a memory-only expansion card.
  • 7 pin MM-card proprietary connector drawing
    MultiMedia Card (MMC) The MultiMediaCard (MMC) is a flash memory memory card standard. It has been superseded by Secure Digital cards (SD card), but still in use because MMCs can be used in most devices that support SD cards.
  • 168 pin SDRAM socket connector drawing
    SDRAM DIMM (168 pin, Unbuffered) DIMM=Dual Inline Memory Module
  • 9 pin SD-card proprietary connector drawing
    Secure Digital (SD) card Secure Digital (SD) is a flash memory memory card format used in portable devices, including digital cameras and handheld computers.
  • 72 pin SIMM connector drawing
    SIMM (72 pin) 
  • 30 pin SIMM connector drawing
    SIMM 16Mb (30 pin) SIMM=Single Inline Memory Module
  • 72 pin SIMM connector drawing
    SIMM with ECC (72 pin) SIMM=Single Inline Memory Module. ECC=Error Correcting Code.
  • 8 pin SMARTCARD proprietary connector drawing
    Smart Card (SIM Card) interface A smart card, chip card, or integrated circuit card, is a pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits. Described by ISO7816 standard. Used in cellular phones, pay TVs, ATM cards, etc.
  • SO DIMM (144 pin) 
  • SO DIMM (72 pin) SO DIMM=Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module
  • 18 pin xD card proprietary connector drawing
    xD picture card xD-Picture Card is a flash memory card format, used mainly in digital cameras. NAND Flash, with additional ID commands.

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